The key to unlocking more photosynthetic efficiency

With one small addition to your existing yield enhancement practices, you can transform the photosynthetic processes, convert more solar energy to biomass and increase your crop production… and your profits.


The inefficiency of photosynthesis

No matter what fertilisers, enhancements and optimisations you apply to crops, your efforts will always be limited by the process of photosynthesis. It’s massively inefficient, typically wasting around 99% of solar energy.


Glaia unlocks that photosynthetic limit

Drawing inspiration from the carbon-based nano-materials found in nature, Glaia uses a synthetic version to open up the photosynthetic process inside plant cells so they can take in more solar energy and convert it into more biomass.

It fine tunes nature’s engine, opening up the values to increase efficiency at a cellular level.


No change, no compromise, no comparison

All you need to do as a grower is simply apply Glaia via your usual foliar spray or irrigation methods. It gets straight to the heart of your crop, capturing that wasted solar energy and using it to increase yield… without needing to increase your fertiliser or water inputs.


  • No change to your existing processes

  • No compromise on taste, texture or food quality

  • No comparison to any other biostimulant or bio-enhancer

Glaia is one-of-a-kind

In the field

We’ve already deployed Glaia into field trials across three key food crops - strawberries, tomatoes and lettuce. Easily applied via a foliar spray or irrigation, they’ve all delivered big yield increases in crops that have already had growing conditions thoroughly optimised and traditional biostimulants applied.



8% increase


25% increase


21% increase


Get more, get Gaia

Glaia doesn’t just stimulate or enhance. It unlocks the full potential of your crops by taking the brakes off that photosynthetic limit.

It opens the door to a whole new world of possibilities. To maximum yield potential. To powerful CO2 reduction. To game-changing food production.

Because even when you’ve done everything you possibly can to increase your yield (and your profits), Glaia will always get you more.