The one-of-a-kind biostimulant that uses unique, carbon-based nanotechnologies to unlock the real potential of photosynthesis and maximise global food production, one crop at a time.


The key to higher yields and bigger profits

Photosynthesis is the most important, most fundamental process in plant growth and food production, but it’s limited to just 1% efficiency on average.

Using revolutionary agri science and technology developed at The University of Bristol, Glaia unlocks that limit and transforms efficiency at a cellular level, converting more natural energy from the sun into more biomass.

The result is more production without any changes to existing processes or any extra inputs. It’s more profit for growers without compromising crop quality. And it’s a more sustainable future for our planet.


The future of sustainable food production… and much more

By deploying our latest innovations directly into your fields, we’re working tirelessly to bring complete food security - and environmental security - to our planet.

With the power to boost the yield of food crops like strawberries and tomatoes, Glaia is game-changing. And with the potential to roll out our technology to every single crop, transforming global food production and reducing CO2 emissions, Glaia is globe-changing.

We’re bringing microscopic improvements, to make a monumental impact. It’s what we do.

Supported by the biggest names in agri science & technology

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